Declaration of data protection for the site in Dating Planet net

Last updated on 23 August 2018


1. Who is responsible for my data and to whom can I refer, if I have questions or queries?



1.1 General terms


  • Our website is operated by “DatingPlanet network” (hereinafter referred to as “Company”, “DatingPlanet net” or “we”).
  • DatingPlanet net is committed to safeguarding user privacy. Please read our privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or handle your Personal Information on our website.
  • The company reserves its right, to its sole and absolute discretion, to revise, amend, modify or revoke this Privacy Policy at any time and in any manner to the fullest extent permitted by law. Changes to this policy come into effect as of the date of publication on the website.


1.2 Legal consequences, disclaimer and compliance


  • Failure to use this Site in accordance with the following conditions of the Privacy Policy may constitute a breach of applicable law and hence subject you to civil or criminal penalties or both, depending on the nature of the breach.
  • Your continued use of the Site constitutes your acceptance of any such changes until the point of active revocation on your part which also and especially also concerns and includes future changes, alterations, updates and amendments. (qui tacet, consitere videtur)


2. Which sources and data do we use?



2.1 Log data


  • Our servers automatically record information about how a person uses the website, including IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, search terms, pages or features of the service that are used, time spent, as well as various other statistical data. We collect this information about you unlinked from your name or any other personal information. It remains strictly anonymous.
  • If you have not identified yourself on our website, as a registered member or paying subscriber, nor by logging on as a registered user, we will not link any record of your usage of our website.


2.2 Geo-location information


  • IP addresses are transmitted by your browser or device that you use to access our website. We use them to determine the approximate location and employ this information to improve our services and optimise the website. (This includes the possibility to change personal settings).


2.3 Personal Information about you


  • To gain access to certain parts and services of the websites, it is inevitable and essentially necessary to create a registered user account. This includes your full name, email address, a password, your gender, country or origin and the city of your (current) residence. We reserve the right to request and verify your phone number at any given time.
  • Some of this information, such as your age, date of birth, country, city, gender and name, is shown to other users on your profile page and in the search results.


2.4 Sensitive information (other information that you want to share in your profile


  • As a user of or subscriber to the DatingPlanet network, you are free to choose to share any sensitive information about yourself, such as your racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs, your occupation and description of your appearance.
  • You can also upload photos, post a comment or a post on forum, submit feedback and answer some questions in your profile.
  • The amount and type of information you share in this way is entirely your choice. Whenever the context may require and unless otherwise specified, references to Personal Information include Sensitive Personal Information


2.5 Cookies


  • Our website uses cookies to identify you as a user of our services and to remember your preferred settings (such as the operating language) and to facilitate navigation on the website.
  • "Cookies" are small pieces of data that are stored by your web browser on your storage drive. Cookies may record information a user accesses on one web page to simplify subsequent interactions with that website by the same use.
  • Most major web browsers are set up so that they will initially accept cookies, but you may modify your computer's preferences to disable the placement of cookies on your device. In this case, we won't be able to recognize you as our Registered User and you will not be able to access parts of website for Registered Users.


2.6 pixel tags


  • We may also use standard Internet technology, such as web beacons or 1x1 "gifs" and other similar technologies to track your use of the website.
  • A pixel tag is an electronic image, often a single pixel (1x1), that is invisible to other users or members, but included in notifications to determine whether notifications have been opened and acted upon. The information therein enables us to customise the services we offer.


2.7 Other or additional information we receive about you


  • We receive data about you whenever you interact with website such as when you look at another person's profile. When you login we receive data from the device you use to access the website browser, operational system, ip address, including multiple user-logins from the same device.
  • When you post material, like photos or videos on our website, we may receive additional related data (or metadata), such as the time, date, and place you took the photo or video at.


2.8 Additional information


  • In some cases we may ask for additional information for security reasons or to provide specific services to you.


3. What do we use your data for (purpose of usage) and which legal basis does this have?



3.1 Publication of information


  • We publish the information intended to be made public by you, under the conditions specified in your settings (If you choose to disclose your religious beliefs or ethnic origin, this information will be available to other Registered Users of the website)


3.2 Customer support and notifications


  • The company reserves the right to send electronic mails to you regarding notifications from site about new letters, notifications about new users who can make be of interest to you and changes in the service provided by our company.
  • Users are free to adjust their email settings according to their own preferences in the section 'My Settings / I want to receive notifications about' on the website or to simply unsubscribe from some or even all email notifications excluding those that bear legal content and must reach you by applicable law..


3.3 Settling or resolving disputes, troubleshooting problems and enforcing any agreements, policies and rules governing the use of the website


  • You are solely responsible for your interactions with other members. In the event that you happen to have a dispute with one or more members or users who have posted, viewed, or used information on this site, you relieve us, which includes our director and employees, staff and personnel, from any claim, demand and or compensation for damage (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes or their outcomes, as we are not involved in any interaction between members.


3.4 Data analysis


  • To enable the website to fully function and for our services to be operational, the usage of data is paramount. It is an automatic process-based calculation which we employ to help users see our features and use it to the benefit of our members, paying subscribers and general users.


3.5 Facilitating communication


  • We facilitate communication with other members by using lists, (such as "Who viewed me" or "Whom I viewed") You can deactivate this function in your settings by making your profile hidden.
  • The personal information that you place with us and that is not meant to be public, such as your email address, mobile number, surname, is hidden from public display and neither accessible on the website nor is it sold to any party.
  • You can request us to send you a copy of all personal information we have on you, including your ip addresses and logs if any on an annual basis.


4. Who receives my data?



4.1 Information displayed


  • The information that you choose to set public is displayed and visible to other members. We however, do not in any way share, send or sell any of the data that you entrust us with. If you verify your account by giving full proof to your identity and / or confirm your account details with your phone number via SMS, we receive a scan or photograph of your passport as well as your phone number. This data is solely to the discretion of the company. Even if you include your phone number in your profile, it is stored in an encrypted fashion and remains invisible to other members, paying or unpaying, subscribers, guests, visitors or users.


4.2 Information shared and forwarded


  • Payment details
  • We may retain the details of transactions or payments you make on this website such as the transaction date or the payment amount. We do, however, not receive your credit card details or payment source account number. This information, i.e. your payment details, is kept by, stored with, visible and accessible to solely and only to the payment processor.


5. Is my data transferred to a third party or any international organisation?



5.1 Social networks and search engines


  • Social networks do not receive a shred of data from us when you log in with any of your social network accounts. Absolutely zero data goes to any of them from DatingPlanet or any of it affiliated networks. These social networks do not even know if the person registered or wants to register or what he wants to do.
  • Some parts of your profile can be made available to search engine crawlers and therefore may appear in internet search results, but no personally identifiable information, such as last name, photos etc. will ever be included in such search results.


5.2 Non-confidential Information


  • Non-confidential information including sensitive information, provided by you is available for other users of the website to read unless you set your privacy settings otherwise.
  • (You are free to limit the publication of your information on our website in your privacy settings ).
  • It is also visible to users of other countries to make international interactions and communication possible.


5.3 Confidential information


  • We do not sell or give away any of your Personal Information to third parties for personal or marketing purposes. We may need to allow our personnel (who may be located outside your country of residence) to access your profile and personal information, in order to provide customer support and fraud prevention tasks.
  • When you purchase a premium membership, we need to provide some of your information to the payment providers for issuing the payment and tailoring the transaction methods of payment for you.
  • In response to compulsory governmental and/or third party inquiries, we may have to disclose personal information in compliance with a court order, subpoena or search warrant, if a valid legal claim is made.
  • Your personal data may be stored in a country outside the EU.
  • We may also share, disclose, or provide your information to third parties when:
  • - an attempt to collect a payment or debt is made
  • - it is required to combat fraud or to protect our interests


6. How long is my data stored?


To gain access to certain parts and services of the websites, it is inevitable and essentially necessary to create a registered user account. This includes your full name, email address, a password, your gender, country or origin and the city of your (current) residence. We reserve the right to request and verify your phone number at any given time.
Some of this information, such as your age, date of birth, country, city, gender and name, will be seen to other users in your profile page and in search results.
The retention period is a maximum of 3 months (=max. 90 days) after you delete your account or earlier should you ask us to delete all information we have on you.


7. Which rights to protect my data do I have?



7.1 Protection of Personal Information.


  • The Website uses various security measures to help protect and prevent the loss, abuse and misuse, or alteration of the information entrusted to us and under our control. The website administrators take technical, organisational and legal measures to ensure that our users’ personal data is protected from unauthorised, deliberate or accidental access, deletion, modification, blocking or any other form of unauthorised action or attempt.
  • We scan our website on a highly regular basis for security holes and possible vulnerabilities, in order to make your visit to our site as safe as feasible and technically possible.
  • REFRAIN from posting, sharing or disclosing any personal information in public areas of the website, especially when you intend to keep it yourself and hidden from other registered users. Never disclose, share or transmit your password or entry code for the website to anyone! Your personal information is only accessible to a limited number of people who have special access rights to them, and are by law obliged to keep the information confidential. In addition, all sensitive/credit information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. If you lose control of your password, your personal information is at risk. If you think that someone else knows your password, change it immediately.
  • All transactions are processed through a gateway provider and are not stored or processed on our servers. If you lose control of your password, your personal information is at risk. If you think that someone else knows your password, change it immediately.
  • In case you detect any irregularities in your profile or have any suspicion that there is a case of misuse apparent, you always have the option to notify us and request your account from being suspended.


7.2 Non-confidential Information


  • Non-confidential information including sensitive information, provided by you is available for other users of the website to read unless you set your privacy settings otherwise.
  • (You are free to limit the publication of your information on our website in your privacy settings ).
  • It is also visible to users other countries to make international interactions and communication possible.
  • Some parts of your profile can be made available to search engine crawlers and therefore may appear in internet search results, but no personally identifiable information, such as last name, photos etc. will ever be included in such search results.


7.3 Reviewing, Changing or Removing User Personal Information.


  • You are responsible for keeping the information accurate and up to date. Once you register, you will be able to review and change much of your Personal Information including your email address, your city, state, password and profile information (except your username which also serves as your login).
  • You can adjust, update or remove your personal data in the section ‘My Profile’ or by contacting our website staff via customer support.
  • It is both, in your own best interest, and ours to store and use accurate personal data on the site exclusively. If the data we hold about you is inaccurate in any way, where appropriate, we shall amend and correct your data for you upon notice.
  • You have the right to get a copy of all personal information we have on the site on you (including ip addresses and any logs if we have them) one time a year.
  • If you wish to have all your Personal Information deleted, you can do it by yourself in My Profile/My Profile Settings/Deleting Your Profile or contact support with the request to delete your profile. You can have it restored with the help of support within 3 months after its deletion. After 3 months after deletion of profile all the information about the profile is deleted from our servers and the profile cannot be restored. We reserve the right to keep some information about the deleted profiles, including login of the user, date of registration, date of profile deletion and the reason of deletion to keep our services operational and prevent cases of misuse of the site.
  • If you wish to delete your Personal Information without possibility to restore, please, contact us with this request and we will take all reasonable steps to delete it, unless we are required to keep it for legal reasons.
  • Please, note, that after deletion of your personal information and termination of membership, some content can continue to exist because of cashed internet pages that is beyond our control.
  • If you are not able to correct some Personal Information we will provide you with reasons for such denial or refusal.


8. Is there any duty or obligation on my part to provide any data?


During the registration process, we request you to provide us with a valid email address so that we can send you a registration confirmation which you need to sign up in order to use our services.
In a case of suspicion of misuse or abuse of your data or information, or in the event of legal matters (such as criminal activities, i.e. scamming, data theft and the like) we demand verification of your mobile number or full proof of your identification (i.e. a scan or photograph of a valid id card or passport) to combat fraud.


9. In how far is there an automised decision-making-process on my behalf?



Reply rate


  • The reply rate (i.e. the percentage of first letters received which you choose to reply to) is a fully-automised decision-making process and so is the quota of profiles you view or the number of times a user’s profile has been viewed him- or herself. Our website uses a simple algorithm and automated calculations to perform this task, in order to provide an immediate figure on your reply rate.




  • Matchmaking, in accordance with your own settings and the optional and entirely voluntary psychological test is also based on an automised decision-making process. You see your matches in general, matches online, new matches and updated matches in exact accordance with your own preferences (as per personal settings) which are fed into the system. The system then compares your and preferences to the corresponding settings and preferences in the opposite sex (i.e. male to female and female to male).


Medals and awards


  • Also, some medals are awarded entirely devoid of any further human interference. If you fulfill the given criteria (e.g. required number of days you remain with a flawless profile on the website, the minimum number of posts, comments, likes (i.e. upvotes) required, you are awarded the corresponding medal automatically by the system). You are free to choose the display of any or all these medals. There are two exceptions to this: the medal for site helper and site consultant require interaction with our staff and are hence awarded by human decision making and not on basis of an automised decision-making process.




  • In the event of a someone complaining about your conduct or reporting your profile, our system is automatically notified and – depending on the nature or circumstance of the complaint – also is facilitated with the technical possibility to restrict any or all your interactivity until a later point of resolve or clearance. That also and especially includes the restriction of your possibilities to interact with other users, members or subscribers on the website and likewise limits your options to make use of our services. Upon receiving any complaint, however, the system also immediately and instantly reports this to our management and members of staff who are committed to taking action within a 24h time frame. Complaints, thus, constitute a semi-automised decision-making process, as there is human surveillance and intervention at the end of the action chain.


Your Use of the Registered Users Information.


  • You may not use another registered users information, whether private or not, for commercial purposes, to spam, to harass, or to make unlawful threats, in which case we reserve the absolute right to terminate account of any user who misuses or abuses the information of other users or who otherwise violate applicable law or any of our terms, agreements, policies or rules governing the use of website.


10. Does profiling take place?


DatingPlanet Net does not engage in any form of profiling whatsoever, unless there exist substantiated evidence and serious legal grounds for necessity thereof. We accept all the information which you as a user, registered member or paying subscriber provide for public users and also store specifically the kind of additional information as listed, stated and specified in the sections above and for the precise and only purposes explained therein.
Your right to refuse: In accordance with article 21 of the GDPR, you have the right to right to refuse to share your data.
Information regarding your right to refuse to share data according to Article 21 Data Protection Regulation (DPR)
We clearly notify you at this stage that your refusal to share or process data will either make it impossible for you to sign up or inevitably lead to the immediate termination of your account and seize all activities on our website and the usage of its services.


1. Individually based case law regarding the right to refuse to share data:


  • According to Article 6, Section 1m Letter E of the Data Protection Regulation (data processing in the sphere of public interest) and Article 6, Section 1, Letter F DSGVO (data processing in the sphere of conflicting interests), it is your right to object to the sharing of data on the grounds of personal reasons related or relating to your personal and specific situation. This also applies to the profiling covered by this regulation, covered under Article No. 4 DRP.
  • In case of any objection on your part, we shall discontinue processing your data, unless we are able to give proven rise to serious grounds of objection to do so (i.e. illegal or criminal activities, such as scamming, espionage, data theft, damage of our website or those of our affiliates, threats against, insults to or verbal abuse of other members or our staff) which then nullify your individual rights, claims or liberties or which the processing of data is in accordance with the enforcement thereof.


2. You have a right to refuse to the processing of data for the purpose of direct advertising.


  • In individual cases, we process your (or any other) person-related data for the purpose of keeping our services operational. You have the right to file a formal complaint in writing against the processing of data for the purpose of keeping our services operational or for the purpose of direct advertising at any time. This is also applicable to profiling, as far as it related to or connected with the purpose of keeping our services operational or for the purpose of direct advertising .
  • We explicitly inform, notify and warn you that your refusal to share your information, your objection to the processing of data or your disagreement about profiling will at this stage inevitably and with instant effect lead to the immediate termination of your account and instantly seize all activities on our website as well as the usage of its services. Furthermore, all your existing data will be erased from our platforms and servers, so that reactivating your account or restoring any status quo ante become impossible. Any previous of your settings or material will be irrevocably lost, so only do this if you are utterly certain that you really want to have all your profile destroyed and your data erased.


11. Complaints


If you believe that we have disclosed or used your personal Information in a manner which is contrary to this policy or otherwise breaches applicable law, notify us without delay at the given contacts with the subject "Breach of Privacy Policy" in the attention line.
We will respond to you within 30 days upon receiving your complaint. We will inform you what action we can or will take in connection with your complaint. We will also provide you with details of further actions that you can take if you are not satisfied.
Claims and complaints can be made formally or informally to the following → see imprint


12. Legal disclaimer and limitation of liability


Except in jurisdictions where such provisions are restricted (and in that event, liability is disclaimed to the utmost extent permitted by the law), in no event and under no circumstances shall we be made liable to you or made subject to liability to any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, also including lost profits arising or having arisen from your use of our website.


13. Changes and updates to this Privacy Policy


We regularly update our privacy policy. We encourage you to have a look at the marked changes in the section “latest updates” and follow the link the top of the page to see when and how our privacy policy has last been revised and updated.


14. Imprint


The corporate details of 'Dating PLANET network':

  • Company Name: Cat-Hap OÜ
  • Country of Incorporation: Estonia
  • Company number: 16543642
  • Registered office: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Valukoja tn 8/2, 11415